

Sample mix:pie chart vs line graph:
The charts below show the percentage of  their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants.
Give resons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

number of meal per year .

Paraphase ( synonym)

percentage               = proportion
Food budget            = expenditure on food, Money planned for food
overage family        = standard household.
(to) spend (on) (v)  = to outlay(on), to pay (for).
Number of meal eaten = consumption.
Number                  = quantity
eaten                      = served, sold.
fast food meals      = quickmeals / convenient meals
sitdow meals         = slows meals.

1> Spending on restaurants meals : increase steadily.
2> Consumption of fast food meals > consumption of sitdown meal


   The pie chart show the changes in proportion of their expenditure on food the standard household paid for restaurant between 1970 and 2000, while the line graph campares consumption levels of fast food meals and sitdown restaurant meals over the same period. Overall, it is evident that outlay on restaurant meals by this family increase steadily and consumption both types of meals went up in this 30 year period
   As the pie chart shows spending on eating out took up a tiny proportion (10%) of food budget in 1970, which rose slightly to occupy 15% in 1980. After ten years , it reached over one third (35%) in 1990 and the occupied on hold of food budget in 2000.
   The line graph shows Both begin at same level of nearly 20 meals in 1970 ,  then, quatity of meal served increased slightly to 40 meals in 1980. However ,Spending on Fast food  meals higher than spending on sitdown Restaurant meals during the period. Following that, Consumption on fast food meals climbed sinificantly reaching nearly 90 meals in 2000. while sitdown restaurant meals consumption went up less sharply to just around 45 meals in the end.

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